Lay’s Wavy Chips Dipped in Chocolate?
Frito Lay has offered countless chip flavors over the years but few compare to the new Lay’s Wavy Potato Chips dipped in chocolate! Over the years, Frito Lay has introduced more flavors than we care to list. However, the Lay’s Wavy Chocolate chips sounds pretty interesting. The combination of sweet chocolate and salty chips sounds like a perfect afternoon snack.
Frito Lay has been utilizing social media for contests that uses the public to create the best idea for a future flavor chip. The new chocolate wavy lays chips from Frito Lay came out in November and we are trying to get our hands on some for our customers. Our Hometown Vending customers can hopefully enjoy a bag of the new chips sometime in early January.
In closing, Hometown Vending is a local leader in bringing in more choices for customers to enjoy. People ask us all the time what will stock in their new vending machines. Well… we always stock the main staple product offerings and then bring in new options from time to time.